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Our Mission

Angele of Faith’s mission is to form a family of believers to provide the time, patience, love, dedication, self-discipline, continual support and guidance that allows us to build a strong bond with our young Angeles and become a staple in their lives, as well as the community.

Our Vision

To create a village of faith driven women willing to provide the support, knowledge and ability to apply the knowledge received to the female youth. Evolving into a sisterhood that is both empowering and self-sustaining. While transforming our little sister’s hearts by giving back to the community.
About us


I wasn’t privileged to a village growing up. I was a military kid and I bounced around yearly until high school. Leaving me unprepared for the interactions and the curve balls life threw at me. I a firm believer that we go through trials in life, not only to strengthen our faith for what is to come, but also to pass on the life lessons learned to the future generations. I believe my purpose is to create the village that we always heard of. Forming an army of faith driven women, who are willing to come together to provide knowledge and tools that every little girl needs. With God on our side, who can stop us? Angele of Faith is created to be a sisterhood where the youth can lean on us and eventually each other for advice, love, support, coaching and guidance at any time in their life. Our goal is to be extra support because it really does take a village. Let us become your village.

Our Services

Spiritual Awareness







Life skills

Psycho social skills

Angele OF Faith

Evolving into a sisterhood that is both empowering and self sustaining. While transforming our little sisters hearts by giving back to the community.